1001 Pollock Blvd
Bedford, Iowa 50833
Open April 1-December 24
Tuesday-Saturday 1-4
Sunday and Monday by chance or appointment.
Give us a call at 712-523-2041
or email us at taylorcomuseum@myfmtc.com
Do you know where you can see old class pictures, year books and band uniforms from the various high schools in Taylor County? OR where you can visit a one-room school that was attended by folks you probably knew and is furnished with items that were originally used in one-room schools in Taylor County? How about one-of-a-kind heirloom quilts or the actual log cabin that housed a family from early in Taylor County’s history? Have you ever had the chance to really examine the structure of a round barn (placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1998) that housed horses and cattle on a Taylor County farm for nearly 100 years? Would you like to closely examine farm equipment that fed the nation and made our country strong? Would your family like a picture in front of the Rock Island caboose? These are just a few of the treasures you’ll find at the Taylor County Museum at Bedford, IA.
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